Toothpaste Without Triclosan
I WANT the best Toothpaste Without Triclosan! We review the top 5 best Toothpastes Without Triclosan for taste, cost, and user opinions around the world.
I’m guessing you’re here because you also think that having extra chemicals in your toothpaste can’t be good for you.
There does seem to be conflicting information out there about Tricolsan. In this article, we will dig deep about some of the history of Tricolsan, and why you don’t want to put it in your mouth twice a day or after every meal.
When you see Triclosan in your toothpaste, and then go out to spray the lawn for bugs and see Triclosan in your bug spray, it does make you think twice.
Do You want the Best Toothpaste WITHOUT Triclosan?
After all, Triclosan was first registered as a pesticide in 1969.
Do I really have bugs in my teeth that need a pesticide grade chemical in order to get rid of them?
If my lawn spray works to great at killing my bugs, why in the world is it safe to put in my mouth?
Triclosan Can Be Good?
Tryiclosan is still under safety review by the FDA and still is being reviewed in Canada. But, a three year study of over 1,300 patients found that Triclosan does seem to have some benefits to dental patients that have dental crowns.
In this RDH article, it talks about how in this study users of a toothpaste with Triclosan were four time less likely to have dental crown failures.
Several big name products still feel Triclosan’s benefits out weigh it’s detriments.
But, many other products don’t take any chances and specifically avoid Triclosan and other chemicals.
Triclosan Can Be Bad?
Some studies are showing that some people that are exposed to Triclosan can respond with an allergic reaction on their skin.
Food allergies can also be a concern. In one study, there are reports of increased reaction to food allergies you already have like peanuts, or eggs.
Or, Is It Just Benign?
With the link to pesticides, Triclosan was originally thought to be linked to cancer. But, studies seem to have debunked that rumor.
At least for humans.
If you’re a mouse, then you should probably choose a toothpaste that doesn’t have Triclosan, because you might be likely to get liver cancer.
What If I’m Pregnant?
When you are pregnant, you are always trying to do everything you can to protect the growing life inside of you.
So, what are the risks with Triclosan?
One study of over 500 pregnant women in China found that exposure to Triclosan during their pregnancy increased cord testosterone levels in their infants.
The Truth
In this video, additional Truths are exposed about Triclosan and its use in many products including toothpastes. Once you learn more about how Triclosan can affect you and the environment, you’ll be reading your labels a little closer to make sure you avoid it (if you aren’t already):
For those that don’t need the possible benefits that Triclosan might provide and just want a toothpaste that isn’t laced with a bunch of chemicals that still have studies coming out every month, here is a list of the top toothpaste without Triclosan products.
Top Toothpaste Without Triclosan
If you are looking for the top toothpaste without Triclosan, our research produced these top 5. In this list, we’ve verified that each product doesn’t have Triclosan.
Since most of these are “organic” types of products, they also have various other “organic” benefits. And, are specifically also missing other chemicals that, like Triclosan, you just would rather not take a chance to put into your mouth.
Brushing Rinse Toothpaste
This is not your typical “toothpaste”. In fact, I’m not sure I’d call it a toothpaste at all.The reason I say that is you don’t spread it onto you toothbrush. Instead you put it directly in your mouth.
Some might call it more a mouthwash than toothpaste.
But, you do use it to brush your teeth. And, using it does work just like a toothpaste would, helping to get your teeth clean. Also, actively working to make your teeth whiter.
The reviews on this product are fantastic. A lot of people find that even though it’s different, it works very well.
Best of all no ingredients like Triclosan that have conflicting studies about possible negative side effects.
Brushing Rinse has a main ingredient of 1% hydrogen peroxide. So, it will help whiten your teeth.
Redmond Earthpaste, Lemon Twist
Looking for natural? The main ingredient is clay.How much more natural can you get?
Users of this toothpaste rave about how clean it makes your teeth feel. They love the taste.
With natural clay as the main ingredient, apparently you can also get trace amounts of lead. So, if that is a concern, this might not be the toothpaste for you.
Some users report that after trying many other “organic” or “natural” toothpastes, that this was the only one that didn’t cause an allergic reaction.
No Triclosan.
No flouride.
No other chemicals that you can’t pronounce and sound dangerous.
If you are looking for chemical free, this might be the toothpaste for you.
We originally were recommending the Wintergreen flavor. But, reading through the reviews, its clear that Lemon Twist is the better of the two.
If you want to give all of the flavors a try, this 4 pack is a great price. It includes Lemon Twist, Cinnamon, Wintergreen and Peppermint.
Tom’s of Maine Clean and Gentle Care Anticavity and Toothpaste
We’ve reviewed Tom’s of Maine toothpaste before. It falls under the category of products that go out of their way to include only natural or organic ingredients.Tom’s of Maine doesn’t disappoint. No Triclosan to be found here.
But, you have to be careful to get the right Tom’s of Maine product.
Colgate bought them up about a decade ago, and some of Colgate’s not so natural ingredients have made it into some of the Tom’s of Maine products.
The link you find here is the one you’re looking for if you want natural.
You won’t find SLS in this product, nor with you find Triclosan.
You’ll also find that even though this toothpaste has maintained it’s “natural” status by maintaining a “pure” list of ingredients, that users are reporting that it still has good taste.
Often times products that go the “non-chemical” route intentionally try to make the product taste a little “off”. It seems the creators want a little “funk” in the taste buds to give the product more “non-chemical” authenticity.
Swanson’s Ultra Whitening Toothpaste
This toothpaste provides a three prong approach to teeth whitening by containing xylitol, tea tree oil (in very small amounts), and peelu fibers.It avoids harsh chemicals by excluding flourides and SLS. Of course, this is a toothpaste without Triclosan, or it wouldn’t be featured on this page. It is also paraben free.
Peelu fibers have been used for 1000s of years for its dental benefits. The fibers have a “bristle” about them that helps to scrub your teeth while brushing.
Users found the peppermint taste to be nice, but mild. So, if you prefer a taste that doesn’t overwhelm you, this might be the toothpaste for you.
TheraBreath PLUS Professional Formula Fresh Breath Toothpaste
The claim to fame for this toothpaste is that it is certified to be Kosher, Gluten Free, and Vegan.
It doesn’t include Triclosan, SLS, or other chemicals that you might find harsh on your mouth.
Fresh breath is the main goal for this toothpaste. I used tricks like including Zinc, Aloe, and Xylitol. Users report that this this toothpaste without triclosan is very successful at accomplishing the job of getting your breath fresh.
Some user only use this toothpaste when they need to impress someone with their fresh breath.
Others just go on and on about how long your breath feels fresh after it.
Related Articles
Since you seem to be looking at toothpastes, we wanted to also mention these other articles that might be of interest:
- Oxygenated Toothpaste
- Remineralizing Toothpaste
- Chewable Toothpaste
- Toothpaste Without Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
- Non Abrasive Toothpaste
- Fluoride Free Toothpaste Brand
Toothpaste Without Triclosan Conclusions
While we believe we have debunked some of the Triclosan rumors, you still might not want to take any chances. We can understand that.
Do You want the Best Toothpaste WITHOUT Triclosan?
Hopefully you’ve enjoyed our research. If you find more research about Triclosan, we would love to hear from you. In the mean time, we hope you’ve found our article researching the best toothpaste without Triclosan.
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